What reasons in lore would certain factions have fight themselves? For example, Stormcast fighting Stormcast.
Looks like our lists will be more numerous
So question how many of you have stuck to one class?
Are Victrix guard gravis?
Hero limit AOS 4th Edition?
Rules Question around Pile-in
Kill Team: Assault Intercessors
What things would you change for this AoS edition?
Grotmas comes to the Mortal Realms with eight free Regiments of Renown
Is Everblaze comet worth it?
How to make a reinforced Stormstrike Pallador unit not look akward
I'm learning the game in... my own way
Rules Question for "Their Finest Hour"
Is there a game you couldn't beat?
Do you think terrain/manifestations are mandatory?
Frost Blades Khorne
Thunderhead host question
First Stormcast models coming along nicely
Slaughter at Hel Crown - Battle Reports
Points inflation, Season of War, someone hold me
Hero with Greatsword or Sword and Shield?
Weird kitbash question.
Does this combo work?
I can’t tell the difference between Tori’s the redeemed and the generic Knight-Azyros
Anti-vehicle in vanguard spearhead