Help me figure out speed breakpoints
Something similar to Hitman: WOA
New Player
I suck at EVERY game
How is the Kindle Fire compared to other Android tablets?
need a game with deep lore and preferably no combat
Have I run out of good single-player, open(ish) world games?
Something I can play for 8 hours and it doesn’t even feel like it. Something as addictive as WoW but not an MMO.
any games about you betraying a company of any sort
Express gift dilemma
A Freelancers Favourite Tool
Games where you can tell the developers poured their hearts into every detail?
Looking for a game that is like digital crack
What's the scariest, most ominous thing about the Hitman Franchise? (Agent 47, ICA, music, atmosphere, aesthetic, kills, deaths, story, etc.)
Rent-free dialogue that lives in your head years on
Did your username ever cause you anything?
Special Edition and Anniversary Edition
Superimpose or keep S1
Who to E6?
Sunday or Sparkle
Teambuilding advice, new player starting to poke into endgame
Stat breakpoints
Is there a point in using Bronya if I have Sunday?
Is there a point in using Bronya if I have Sunday.
Generally confused