"What time is it?"
What's your favorite movie where the character doesn't know what a burger is?
Character concept that seem really absurd on paper but end up being super badass
Memes that everyone in the fandom inexplicably knows and recites frequently
Characters beloved by the community despite their source material being disliked
Which of Megatron's alt modes is your favorite?
Characters that go through insurmountable odds just to see their wife
moderator in training rule
A week (nsfw just in case)
Where did you start?
If I had a nickel for every time a European-based dev team made an absolutely gorgeous love interest in a game which has a dystopian setting, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.
Villains who were Defeated by having them expose themselves live and recorded without them realising it
if you know, you know
"Mimir, get ready to clip this."
This painted F-15 jets is from Japan
The villain just straight up goes to the hero’s house
How I imagine the conversation between Snyder and Gunn will go after Superman flops.
Made my first Marvel Rivals Slander video, I hope you guys like it!
deathbattle: TRANSformers will Windows.
deathbattle: va a ganar TRANSformers we
Characters with so many cybernetic implants they become more machine than man
[Hated Trope] "We're not so different/We're the same, You and I" - says the actually pretty different character.
Characters who once used to look up to someone They Admired but Turned Into Villains because they were rejected By them
What is the most stylistically beautiful game you've ever played?
please god help this region
can't belive transformers nemisis stole winton.