Controversial take
Anyone else love looking at ppls Farms.
What’s your go-to product/method for making money?
Does anyone else love harvesting?
just got my first kitten!!name suggestions pls!!
how to level up faster
Why Are There So Few Communities on Reddit Focused on Nonprofits and Why Are The Ones That Exist Have So Little Members?
Is today’s present on Greg’s farm glitched?
honest opinion: are these twin names too matchy?
Tom question?
i forgot i hired tom
How do you choose to use coins in Hay Day?
Grey's Justifies Cheating (I love Grey's but STOP PLEASE)
Resurgence in Popularity
What were you ‘known for’ in HighSchool?
Here's an interesting question, has anyone ever thought about their relationship BEFORE Greys?
What song never fails to make you cry?
What's considered rude/disrespectful in your country that tourists should be aware of?
Romance books set in the real world/political commentary books with a happy ending
Rashmika Mandanna's first look posters from Chhava
Does anybody feel like, the more you level up, the more simpler and natural you want your farms to look
Does anyone else hate these types of farms. They lag so kuch when you go to help
Name as good as Maybelline??