My boss is being discriminatory towards the younger workers in my department.
What age is my dog a senior?
Main present for my boyfriend
puppy rant from first time dog owner
What breed is my doggo? Often get told she’s part pit bull or boxer
what does everyone put in their dog crates for the destructive babies?
Is this product actually as good as everyone says it is?
give your dogs an extra squeeze today
Puppy classes broke my dog
Training my dog to stop pulling on the leash during walks has been a bit tricky.
Why does my dog like sleeping between my legs?
What socks do buy your husband knowing you’ll have to look at them every time you have sex?
Anyone know what breed was told staffy x mastiff but having doubts can definitely see the staffy but not sure mastiff
Need gifts for a 16 year old gym rat and PC player
My baby girl in her warm winter dress
Cool gift ideas - things people didn't know they wanted
Money is very tight this year and I was thinking about making cookies and giving them as gifts. Acceptable or am I crazy?
Does anyone know any names of diseases in dogs?
What exactly should I do when my dog is reacting on a walk??
Breakthrough after giving up walking
Does anyone else have just one clump of hair that is always a rats nest?
Just got my first boxer pup
What color
My girl pretending she did not just steal my spot on the couch….
Looking for advice about getting a dog - help me plan?