Personal Cheese with fresh basil
Is this overcooked?
Caldwell pepper cream soda
Grandma Margherita
Bassinet (eggplant, fresh mozzarella,red peppers,basil)
Very white and Hispanic? Lots of mixing
My Ancestry is 2 pages long! Mixed Black&White / American.
Certifiably flavorful
This was aged for many years. So I've been told. Taste is amazing.
Southern Draw Rose of Sharon Desert Rose Lonsdale
What are some opinions on carrying a zippo as primary fire starter?
Louisiana Creole DNA results, with photo
Why are my results so different between ancestry and 23&me?
Good morning!
Undercrown sun grown flying pig
New treasure
Current Stash
Diesel Desert Walker
Did anyone else lose their Irish?
While I respect rocky im not much of a fan so I took a risk here. I’ll say it’s the best Patel I’ve had, pretty robust and actually has some complexity in flavoring I enjoy. It’s worth a shot to answer any questions.
La Aroma De Cuba Churchill
Merry Christmas Rocky Patel Quarter Century
Took some advice from here. Still not there yet but improving
Who the hell is this? [Wrong answers only]
Did Dorian Deserve All of His Olympia's?