Phones not allowed.. at all
Pay Rates
Did I quit or was I fired?
Too Tired To Celebrate?
It should be illegal for Chick-fil-A to be open on the EVE OF JESUS’S BIRTH!!!
AITA for not giving up my window seat on a plane to a kid just because she threw a tantrum?
What is everyone’s employee discount/meal like? I wanna see if I’m getting screwed over and should move to a different location
Fave drink combinations?
What chick fil a sauce do you think is the best hands down for fry dipping?
Please give me tips on how to be faster at desserts
Is your store allowing any of y’all to dress up or wear something Halloween related tomorrow?
Halloween Costumes?
Will Saturday lunch ever run smoothly?
I'm barely 26, and I catch myself saying "back in my days" and "kids these days" very often. Help.
Just a small rant
What should wear to orientation?
Station Question
My break meal - paid less than a dollar 😋
My scheduled got changed without asking me.
What is like working at CFA
Best Shoes?
I can’t be the only one..
You read that correctly everyone both in boh and foh are being punished because people don't know how to clean/pick up after themselves.
Banana pudding Milkshake
Banana shake or coffee?