Songs with lyrics that has nothing to do with the name
Songs that talk about Amazon (the company) and/or Jeff Bezos
Songs that are 10+ minutes long
Strange birthday songs
What Are Some "Comfy" Movies/Shows/Documentaries That Help You Manage Your Symptoms?
What song will you always associate with the TV/movie scene it was used in?
Guy has meltdown over selfies and mentions my deceased ex
I just wanted croissant cats 😭
Songs that would be really funny to insert in the middle of a sex jams playlist
Songs where I hate the person who’s POV it is
She’s auch a diva. I want a strong but feminine name for her.
For everyone on this subreddit, what was the first game you played that got you into video games as a whole? I'll go first.
What does my art smell like?
Can you spell out what sound this ball makes-
What does my art taste like?
What does my fridge say about me
Write a 3 Word Sad Story
Do I have an artstyle?
What dose my art taste like?
What song is this for you?
Thought this would be fun in this group.
It’s been an annoying day
Who's your favorite game cat and why?
How would you describe my art syle
Songs That Will Permanently Ban You From The Aux