Pq a maioria das pessoas do X são acéfalas?
Está na moda mulher querer homem "provedor", mas a maioria não traz nada de relevante ao relacionamento além do básico.
Se você se casasse com uma pessoa de uma raça fictícia, quem seria?
I’m disappointed about the dress from buying out the Boutique
Any cozy horror games?
Which ability outfit do you want next?
Mulheres, vocês se relacionariam com um cara autista?
What are your controversial opinions about Infinity Nikki?
Fase da piora
Liking pictures.
What are your Top 5 Favorite Horror Games of All Time?
Daughter of the Lake Leaks
Just saw these leaks for the upcoming 4star outfit recolours on tiktok.
Qual o melhor protetor solar no quesito resistência ao suor ?
What’s your love-hate item?
Do you prefer long hair or short hair for your Nikki ?
Silvergale <3
Vitamina c é de fato absorvido na pele?
Best part about the update: the new main menu screen
I think at that rate Bouldy is going to get a restraining order against us. The new miracle outfit needs FIFTY of these PER PIECE
PSA: Silvergale Aria Material Requirements (DON'T RUSH)
Anyone else disappointed in the lack of Christmas gift?
What's your unpopular opinion about Infinity Nikki?
Infinity Nikki ruined every other female character for me