[Give Away] ZOx0 50mill End on 11/23/18
[KDNF] 10/24/2018 First Server Update: Large Convenience Changes
Max Level in one day
[Give Away/Raffle]ZOx0 13mill x4 Give Away.
[Give Away/AMA] ZOx0 50mill Reddit Raffle.
The things we're reduced to for fun...
What level 85 epic should i trans or pick ( in case future event) ?
12 Days of Christmas 2017 Giveaway: Day 1 - What was your favorite event of 2017?
Blazing Laundromat Waist Weapon?
Draw my favorite erune. (Quatre)
What are some common DFO misconceptions?
give lyria shoes
Seria Kirmin's Question Corner- Weekly Q&A Thread- September 04, 2017
Seria Kirmin's Question Corner- Weekly Q&A Thread- August 28, 2017
"Unite and Fight" Event Discussion (August 2017)
"Rise of the Beasts" Event Discussion
"A Slice of Summer" Event Discussion
Granblue Fantasy From Here Onwards - July 2017
"Unite and Fight" Event Discussion (June 2017)
Character Synergy and EMP Discussion (June 15, 2017)
So how many people are gonna play FGO here?
"Cinderella Fantasy: Piña Hazard" Event Discussion
Ougi skip is here
Granblue Fantasy From Here Onwards - June 2017
Fire meme-ing 101