Austrian Field Marshal Bianchi
Bundestagswahl Ergebnisse (Megathread)
Hessian Infantry
Deutschbanater Grenzer
Austrian Cuirassier Brigade
Let's open an old can of worms: the right shade of blue for French and Prussian uniforms?
Napoleonic dice
Guess the year of this map!
Starting tips
ich iel
Napoleons coronation robes & Bavarian kings
What does this mean? Is there an indirect meaning than what I read ? Seen at a restaurant
Help identifying French writings
25mm Lead Hand Painted Figures Identification
Why did N's Imperial Guard not have cuirassiers?
Which flag pole for my French battalion?
More Austrian Grenadiers!
Deutsche Literatur in 10 Schwierigkeitsgraden
Bilbo was truly a badass
Austrian (Hungarian) Grenadiers
What's a good addiction?
Badminton specific coordination exercises
Ugh. Epaulette.
entering vehicle/using bandages doesn't work