Yareli wiki page
this post is about stuff
Yes I'm a meta slave. How did you know?
roses are red, the imposter can vent
Not today
Classic Germany
I think I need to see a therapist...
[The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide] guys am i color blind now??
Sorry Mom and Dad
soft, puppy eyes and anime? idk
Ban rule
My friend thought I was his mom
not a fan of incest, but i'm just saying that adoptive has potential
[The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide]Anyone know where to read the novel?
Mindslaver Remote
Ничего себе
Make Steel Path and Arbis unlockable by beating the BASE star chart again.
This is why i almost never post to other subreddits. Their mods will remove things just because... it makes my butt hurt salty bad.
Offensive comment
What does the “4” stand for?
Is this image real?
Idk why it took this long for me to make a gauss speed build, but it's fun af
Gimme your worst!