My Last 5 games (i am going to lose my mind)
Why are they so scared to buff cards?
Pure luck deck
He’s just a little hungry, he prefers to eat undeads though
Not a single Ghost has affected my games
Finally a meta focused on the board where you don't just randomly die from hand for over 30 damage, I can't wai-
Someone got Shaffar of Resort Valet in arena
Hearthstone 2025 Rotation: Key Cards Leaving Standard
He goes ETEEERNAAAAL..... (and a turtle)
Legend with Tempo Protoss Rogue!
Most interesting deck right now?
My wishlist for buffs/reworks next patch
Barcodes: Or how you outplayed yourself
Fizzle is a balanced card
DK is obnoxious to face in Arena
How to Scam a Scammer
why did people complain about Brann + Tho'grun but not about Shudderblock and mini + Ghost?
Sou holandês, filho de diplomata, morei em mais lugares que me lembro, mas acho que o Brasil é o lugar mais fod4 pra se morar no mundo
"She won't take this one lying down! Just, uh...give her a second to get back up."
Loving the new arena meta but
Which Hearthstone hero skin from event will you choose and why?
Protoss Combo Rogue kind of works?
The Mini-Set is a great step in the right direction
The Rogue class is "unfun" after the mini-set
Any advice on a protos deck?