What movie has the best villain?
AIO over a few texts between my girlfriend and I?
Why Does God hate me so much?
This high school principal is a legend!
This 90s kid can't do it.
You guys ever wonder?
I was supposed to have it all figured out by now
Kathleen Kennedy to Step Down at Lucasfilm
Vandalism overnight at a local park.
Ripped out stairs and replaced with new. Thoughts? (Sorry for now before picture, they were very steep and the owner had slipped and fallen down them.)
Ripped out old stairs and built new.
What's a book that everyone should read at least once?
Jason Momoa smoking a cigar while reading the ‘Supergirl’ script: “FOR LOBO’S EYES ONLY”
Doorman heroically saves girl being dragged inside elevator
Aaron Rodgers comments on potential release
Looking forward to reading
10 Hour Car Ride and a 12yo Boy. What shall we listen to?
What movie was ruined for you in the last 5 minutes?
What major life lesson/s did you gain from this game?
What are some genuinely life-changing books, books that have changed you as a person and greatly impacted you.
I was walking my dogs peacefully with my wife and this pitbull almost jumped to attack.
Best Star Wars you’ve read. Looking for something that focuses on the Jedi.
Three men with tools and toolboxes ... but what are the "sticks" in the toolboxes? One guy has a wrench for something 5-sided
Do men find muscles repulsive?