Whats the best weapon for a noob?
Le Mans Ultimate surpasses 100k units sold
Krakoa Should've Stayed Around For At Least 10 Years.
This event is underrated
Vida adulta é depressiva assim?
Amigo meu recebeu isso hoje. Qual a chance de ser só um bostão tentando botar medo nele pra no final pedir dinheiro ameaçando?
"Estratégia de quem usa bolsa família é meter mais filhos e ser vagabundo" mais uma do nosso morcego
Why is this unavailable?
Everyone asks... Next T4
should i change any of my cards for these two? i want to make this deck full pve before i make another one focused on pvp
what uni should i buy?( favorited characters are the one im gonna build, t3 white fox today)
My first t4 after 6 months of returning to the game
What is your oldest/rarest coin you ever got?I start:(I think it's rare
Uso indiscriminado do venvase
What character do you build up just because you love them?
Who should i use my rage
A moderação desse sub é frustada demais
How tf i do this missions?
What uniform should I get
Should i switch? i got a mighty autority vs a greed
Strange or GR?
Best CTP for Sentry?
Who should I use it on