Some people just want to see you suffer
What do you guys do during meeting?
Read aloud feature no longer working?
He won’t stop reacting to me.
No money, No products survival techniques?
Can somebody explain, iam playing possession and want some players to come closer to remain ball possession and suddenly my cmf running away the moment I pressed pass to him? His ai marked my all players automatically..what is this going on..
Is it a dermatological condition?
Did I break the camera. I can’t put it in for a reason
"Sometimes the dreamers finally wake up"
School groups
Currently at a hotel for army medical examination don’t wanna cause my roommate to have a bad sleep, is it okay to to just roam around the hotel at night (like legal or not sus , I’m used to not sleeping at night)
Senior in high school. Need advice on what line of work I should go for?
Karma is real
Blue Lock Season 2 - Episode 5 Discussion
can someone let me know a good site for practing problems?
Opponent cheating or bad luck?
One through pass is all it takes
Chapter 3
Just live ur life
Tmau and pregnancy
Fart smell even when i do not fart
Nico Williams.....
Which definition of percentile do you use?