Who the heck are yall using for these two??
Which champ is better for bg's?
first take of BaFEBYNaFE(acoustic)
I just got a 7 star knull .. W or N?
Finally got one part of my dream kit(iron cobra 600 double bass pedal!)
I’m trying to decide on a cymbal placement. What do you think, #1 or #2?
vertically half frozen water bottle
songs where all possible answers the question are answered in the songs immediately below
rate my kit !
Rank Up
Who is worth ranking up to 3?
Which one to choose
first full cover of a song - the thrash particle (minus bass, friend did that since i don’t have one)
Who To Rank Up
Who deserves R2?
Are these good or nahh
Which champs should I focus on
Who to ascend?
need help with harbinger lv14 mixer asap
my first attempt at a “full” cover-part of shaylee, shanel
whats your favorite fill rn ?
why does my mix sound like this
help asap with mixer problems
Who to take to rank 3? If any
Since we’re posting kit pics