Anyone else get this TT email?
cup art
Note left on door
Julie Lorentzen aka JuLiar Vommitzen
Loren is not as bad as yall want him to be
Kindness VS Bully
Liz is Complaining.. how shocking!
This button is made for people with ADHD
LTRc-12 how long after submitting documents for refund?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Unsure of miscarriage diagnosis
Girlbossed too hard on clomid
My cervical fluid is almost always the creamy variety. The one time I had a lot of EWCM, I got pregnant.
GD friendly snacks for labor in hospital?
More freebies for Miss Grifter .. wonder how long until she tries to sell this too . 🙄🙄🙄
2 weeks late and i’ve been testing for 1 week help please
How worried to I need to be about line progression?
Dpo 8-9 Easy @ home
Help!! Gestational sac 2.5 weeks behind at 11w
Is this an evaporation line or positive?
Nightmare eBay Pin Fan
Hacked Monitor
My coworkers and I are divided; is the photo on this display AI-generated?
This makes me see Sophie in a different light
But but but folic acid is full of cHeMiCaLs 🙄😂