What is y’all reason for blocking opponents online?? This a safe space here/ no judgment
What is y’all honest reason y’all block opponents?? It’s a toxic-free safe space here
How many hours y’all got tapped in right now??
What character do you feel has the LEAST toxic player base?
This a curious question for all my fellow smashers
How many hours y’all got tapped in rn??
POV your average 15 million gsp match
Tell me your main
For my smashers who ain’t scared of running it back after you win, what is yall preferred method? BO3s, BO5s or continuous matches until one of y’all get bored?
What is bro doing in our match
In your opinion, should the GSP score from online be present in the next entry?
How much rage do you think I've caused on my way here?
Roy takes zero skill
VOD (Wolf player) vs the Villager
WHO y’all Mains and who are y’all favorite matchups?
convince me I'm wrong, I'm waiting
All my smashers who fight with honor online, which map setups do y’all like the most? FD, 2 platforms or 3 platforms?
I usually don’t ask this but what is y’all win rate overall online? No judgement ☺️
Reaction to unlikable matchups
Why are all Byleths degenerates?
Actually amazing how many elite smash players are just straight up cry babies.
VOD (Wolf) me - (KRool) opponent (quickplay)
Online Quickplay pattern
VOD review (elite smash) (Wolf player)
VOD (elite smash) (Wolf)