Will I regret not having more?
Serious: How exhausted were you in the first 2 years of having your multiples? SAHM
Où trick or treat à Gatineau?
What question(s) make your blood boil?
Is it weird to have both parents at dropoff?
Does this sound like IBD?
Colonoscopy “expiration date”?
Hard lump under left testicule?
Twins are always fighting
When did you deliver your twins that had no prior complications?
Rock hard blueberry sized mass under one testicule?
Twin toddlers have me wondering: is my fatigue normal or bad enough it could be medically relevant?
Give me your top shared room recs!
High Calprotectine and High ALP interpretation?
High calprotectin and high ALP while investigating IBD?
Being investigated for IBD. Blood work shows High Calprotectin and High Alkaline Phosphate (ALP). Family doctor unsure what this could mean?