New trailer for my horde survival game! Let me know what you think!
Thanks to Unity I'm very close to launch my first game. Citrus Rampage finally has a steam page. What do you think?
I need an honest feedback on this. Do you think the characters fit the environment? Somebody said it was too simple and the environment very detailed
Why don't some studios like Ubisoft use the same "code"/mechanics in different games?
How many sales are needed to appear in the "New and Trending" section on Steam at launch?
Qual distro vocês preferem para trabalhar?
[Elden Ring] delayed fall damage
Tiny icons for my game. I'm not sure if they are readable enough. Opinions?
I'm reworking the animation after some feedback. What do you guys think?
Blood has an important mechanic in my game. What do you guys think of this animation?
Aí galera to fazendo esse jogo e to colocando memes nele kk, alguma sugestão?
I love comparing placeholder art with final art. What do you guys think?
What camera do you prefer type 1 or 2?
What F**k have I created?! What do you guys think?
I'm trying to make some kind of ritual in my game where you unlock upgrades by defeating enemies. One idea was to make the bodies fill the hole but idk... any ideas?
Como são as cadeiras de Cálculo e Álgebra Linear?
Man I really wish there was a better way of doing this
I just changed a health bar that used 4 lines of code for one that uses more than 200. I think I'm in the right direction
My game is Very Positive on Steam! I'm so happy :D
New Character for my game, inspired by Death from Have a Nice Death. Opinions?
New vs Old UI in my game. Any thoughts?
Hey, I'm creating a ETG inspired game and I'd like to know what do you guys like more about ETG. Also what do you guys think the game could do better?
Someone told me that the size of the gun in my game is not good. I think they want an EVEN BIGGER GUN
I like to pretend that my cats are rockstars and this is their album cover
Inglês faz diferença no Brasil?