How much cushioning for every day walking ?
Why was Phoebe so willing to just leave Cole to have his soul destroyed in the wasteland???
Question for (children) of immigrants
Are book summaries of non-fiction books sufficient ?
Are book summaries of self-help books sufficient or is it necessary do you read them entirely ?
What is a book that changed your life?
Do your friends treat you differently because of your relationship with your parents ?
Can barefoot shoes make you lose height ?
My health anxiety has gone and so can yours. It’s a state of mind!
Rank characters
Thoughts on the Robin Hood stealth game and a possible remake ?
Thoughts on the Robin Hood game and a possible remake ?
Being very direct and quick in a social setting
How have E-ink phones (and E-ink products ) in general helped you ?
I am deeply envious of Sam Harris.
Feeling guilty about being ambitious, wanting connection and having desire and they're the only things that motivate me.
Moronic Monday - Your weekly stupid questions thread
Is the environment more important than willpower for us ?
Scene : Cole vanquishing the triad.
Sometimes it feels like sex is my only and biggest motivation.
It's interesting that Eminem never changed his last name .
If I don't have my ego - I have nothing.
How do you practive effective walking meditation ?
Would you rather have A) a great and exciting youth but average later years or B) average youth but great later sears ?