"First, she stole my shadow. Then she stole my heart (and then I died)."
"Perfectly balanced. As all games should be."
Don't ask how they got the Mountain Bear in there.
"He's just standing there...MENACINGLY!!"
The most popular decks of each class and how rotation affecs them.
New Rogue Card Revealed - Ashamane
"Ah, sweet! Nightmarish horrors beyond my comprehension!"
New Neutral Card Revealed - Shaladrassil
He keeps having nightmares about his cringy past.
It's 2025 and we still do not have an actual P2W card? Smh my head
So this has to be a card in the Emerald Dream set, right?
New Card Reveal: Ysera, Emerald Aspect
How do you feel about the Choose One keyword being available to classes other than Druid?
New Card Revealed - Raptor Herald
Dreams all day, cries all night. Typical baby behavior.
What KH1 boss gave you the most trouble on your first play through?
Reunited at last.
Star Steel: The prices are astronomical, but the quality is stellar!
No-fin scares him! (except loneliness)
Which Disney world character do you think Sora likes the most?
Why innovate when you can imitate? :D
"Who's ready for the light show?!"
"BOOM! Your property value just plummeted!"
This is the happiest a mod has made me feel in a while.
"Behold: The Mechanical Whelpiax!" - Dr.Boom