Do they think we’re retarded?
Share ur bad trip stories
Anyone here ever done tramadol?
Benzo addiction and Christianity
Should I Delete My 6TB Porn Collection?
My boyfriend threw up on me on purpose TW
My ex just told me he has a warrant out for 1st degree murder against me.
Tinder date gone wrong
I broke up with him and he broke in my house and destroyed everything
What are the reasons you stayed for as long as you did (or are currently stuck) in an abusive relationship?
My boyfriend scared me off shrooms
He’s been arrested and charged. Someone please talk some sense into me?!
TW*** husband tried to r*pe me
I believe I have won the piss bottle challenge
Found this hot dog thing in my backyard
I just want to share my pup cuteness to everyone,
My GF (F26) thinks me (M29)masturbating to porn is cheating?
I found a bag of balloons and some headphones in a hollow tree.
[deleted by user]
gentilly woods
Scrolling through Facebook and found this gem
I’m a useless burden on my mother, I fucking hate myself for that
I don't know how to feel
I delivered my friends fetus