How much are you actually eating?
Hey how long have you been an agnostic and was it easy to find peace ?
Afternoon teatime at work
Fudge is going to Heaven this Monday 💔
Super Bowl snacks?
What are some reasons worth living if you can’t afford the things you want to do and what in life?
Are human women’s boobs so large because of evolution?
Who’s an actor or an actress, that when you first saw them you know they would immediately be a star.
If you are tempted and about to go to the bathroom
Do men really take longer to get over someone?
Task force created to root out 'anti-Christian bias' I'm curious if other Christians are concerned with where this is headed?
why are boobs seen as something inherently sexual but pecs are not?
Going crazy
Should i go to the ER?
What's in your cup? Daily discussion, questions and stories - February 07, 2025
My friend has two Bengal kitten brothers
AIO for telling my boyfriend what I want from the grocery store
The reason we stay up late...
I’m disgusted with the discussion I had with a Christian friend.
Specialists need to reserve a couple appointments for same day cases
Menstrual and nausea
Do you have a go to food if eating out is your only option?
Whoever posted about ice cream in your coffee: THANK YOU!!!
Do you ever simultaneously feel hunger pain and stomachache from being full?