Why do I do so well on Christian dating app but so poorly on normal apps?
Why is natural water typically unsafe for us when we need it for survival?
If a girl has very few people she follows and you follow her and she follows you back, is she interested romantically?
If a girl has very few people she follows and you follow her and she follows you back, is that a good sign?
What is the most overrated landmark in the world in your opinion?
28M, any feedback greatly appreciated 🙏🏻
What did you do in your teens that you now think back to and cringe into oblivion?
If you break up with a girl and she shows no emotion/unaffected by it does it mean she never loved you?
If you break up with a girl and she shows no emotion/isn’t affected by it does it mean she never loved you?
Is it a valid reason to break up with someone because you feel they didn’t love you anymore
my(m24) gf(F22) won’t send me voice notes or let me call her
Is it wrong for me to persistently be pushing my gf to let me hear her voice through call or voice note?
My gf refuses to give me a call or send a voice note, Is it inconsiderate of me to push her to do so?
Is it bad for me(M24) to persistently ask my gf(F22) to let me hear her voice through call or voice note?
Today, i gave up
25M, possibly gay.
Which "smaller" countries have the most diverse geography?
What is your country's Cleveland?
Now that the holidays are over, how hard are you working today on the 2nd of Jan?
How do you usually split the rent for a master room and a room without a bath in it?
Boyfriend 36m won’t go down on me 30f but expects me to do him, how does that work?
Would you be willing to do 145 Days of NoFap for $145,000?