I had no intentions of buying a Longchamp 😅
Not luxury, but they make me happy. :)
Share a pic of your cat freaking out or blurred!
Hmm... Not sure I want this...
🥰 Stardew Valley Cookbook
What was your First Bag?
Hands off my woman!
What are you reading right now?
I need a new bag for school/travel. What colour should I get?
Do you guys still play Animal Crossing?
So, what’s the consensus on bag charms/plushies?
The is Mr. Pamuk (aka Mookie). Is your cat a Mr, Dr, Ms, Sir, Dame, Lord, Lady, The Honorable, etc? Show me you titled cats right now!
One book recommendation..
Cozy Couch Time with the Kindle and the Kitten
Finally got my first Kindle
I always said i didn't ever want a kindle hated the idea of it i like books.. but then I got one 👀
Bought both Paperwhite ‘24 and Basic ‘24 to decide which I want
Typically read books on my phone
My first kindle... Am I doing it right?
Does kindle help you save money on books?
To those who have more than one kindle...
What’s yall way to remember the order of blood?
I’ve been doing Phlebotomy for 5 years I’ve never seen this before.
Blood draw technique