What basketball shoes should I buy?
Family keeps suggesting a nose job after finally developing confidence
This is the reason why Evolving Skies is a HODL no matter what. I've watched this box hit $500, $1000, $2000, $3000 and now an almost $4000 price point in a matter of 5 years.
I’m getting back into playing basketball in few weeks. What basketball shoes should I buy?
Sell now or hold?
Well ok then...
Later! 🫡🚀
Is this safe to run in a shop? Kerosene heater.
How do I deal with this goddamn cockroach woman?
Is it common for women to want to stack donuts on their partner's dick?
Why is Billie Eilish considered mid or even unattractive according to some people when without her usual styling she has a very beautiful face and a good body?
Cherry Popperz x Tear Gas 9 🍒💧⛽️- ALWAYS
Favrd - Candy Bluez (Blue Nerds x Sherb Cream Pie)
Pokemon Center ETB Nerf
Will 10lb dumbbells do much for me?
What's the most normalized addiction?
Should I tell a guy he’s not “magnum” sized?
I’m trying so hard to forget about Pokémon cards
Bulk, cut, maintain?
How do we tell this guy
17 y/o only calisthenics
6'1½ 233 38
Sell or Hold until end of the year? Prismatic Evolution Pokémon Center ETB
Squirrel Stampede Team Wipe