preparing for calculus
Best affordable ribeye steak at restaurant, non-chain?
What apartments accept financial aid and allow move in before fin aid refund?
Headphone cushion liner ripped
First time using a rye starter (that is over 1000 years old) and 40% rye flour. Love how chewy it is.
Bears since Helene, have you seen any?
Is not taking Calc in high school an issue
Which bike rack on a 2022?
Polar bear throws a rock into the aquarium glass, which ends up damaging it
Rav 4 hand stitched steering wheel cover
Should we be more concerned about wildfires?
Montford Power Outage’s Around 1:00
Asheville Native - Struggling -
Why dont engineers stay at lockheed?
Water Delivery Questions at County Briefings
classes cancelled until 10/28
I’m officially on the “flipped classes are garbage” hater train
Figured out what the centre console tiny pocket is for 👍
Kamala Harris has raised so much money that she's giving $25 million of it to other campaigns
For the ones who make over $150k a year, what do you do to get that?
Having Issues
For you personally, what are the Top 3 biggest blunders by American Presidents on any front?
205Mesh RGB Help
Why my ceiling fan is wobbling and also starting with a slight jerk?