spent 10 minutes looking for this bone
Combine 2 powers here, to make one quirk
What mythology creature should they add to ark next
Which one is missing?
Stack mods on ase
One word. Let’s hear it 😂
Are these good stats?
Tell me your favorite character and why!
How can I split my monitor?
How did Yall get your names?
Rex stats
Are these stats good?
You could have owned Ark2 by now
Extinction crashing
I want to see data relating to where people most make their bases. Save this image and pin your current/last base location or comment it, I will account both ASE and ASA players.
The long term plan
This is the beginning
I’m so happy
if etho doesnt win wild life I will personally backhand the watchers
Nothing noteworthy here
How did you pick your new name
I’m disgusted with myself
Confused about T4T