Grossest chips ever
Worst big hair band. I’ll start, Enuff z Nuff…..
Who's the best producer for Kiss?
RANT: The Grammy’s Snub John Sykes During In Memoriam
Barrie’s Best Nachos???
Thrifting in Barrie .
Mr. Transmission on Essa Road!
What’s Soundgarden’s heaviest song??
Best song sung by Ace on a KISS album? (Besides his Solo Album)
Just wanna say it. I love wings
Dangerous Toys
Do you think this is the best Skid Row album in their Discography ?
OPINION: Best non Seattle grunge era band
What is the greatest hair metal power ballad?
Your thoughts and experience regarding the consumer proposal
I feel like I’ve watched every good show
Name a song you'd recommend to an Alice In Chains fan that's not by AiC
Controversial Post Incoming
On today’s episode of bands that should have been much bigger.
Best song released AFTER Dr. Feelgood
Top 20 Heavy Metal Albums of 1989
Anyone prefer Mark St. John over Bruce Kulick?
Which band had a superior SECOND major label release?
What's your favorite ballad?
Lesser known band