RL's keep ninjaing ZG coins/bijous
Spineshatter horde conspiring to falsely massreport alliance due to butthurtness over inability to kill worldbosses.
Two Types of WoW Players
Add Zila Gular to Real Vendor in P7 Please
Back after many years. Cannot mine in High sec without being ganked.
Season of Discovery is worst PvP iteration of the game Wow has ever seen
Sometimes I find it difficult to interact with this community anymore
I wish Quick-Thinking Adventure Movies were still a thing
Nsfw coz profanity - lets talk about “Succession” Ending
Without GDKPs, RMT is at an all time low!
Pikaboo dies in HC WoW while trying to escape dungeon alone
This Hard Res culture needs to stop!
Morgana leaves dungeon after getting bullied by Bean
Subreddit rules, common removals, and seeking new mods
Classic is boring and bad, we need TBC fresh
GM of Ainz Ooal Gown abusively yells and is transphobic to a guilde
The most confused ninja
SGC grind
LF Guild that is not a hate group (?) [Nightslayer]
In defense of hard reserves
Folks, wait for the rest of the group to roll first
Personal loot, change my mind
Yeah so that’s a lie
The vibes get destroyed in Tyler's group
Huh? Classic is about the journey or something…