Remote for Kindle…..
Picking a Norelco trimmer is a nightmare... Is this the one? -- 9000 "Ultimate"
Battery autonomy, please help meeeeeee
If you don't have snow tires you don't get to drive today.
Reading all your messages gets me so wet 🫣💦
Thing on the end of the 22/45
In your opinion what is the best brand?
Did anyone learn to solve a cube without algorithms?
Earplugs who rides with them?
This is what you get from letting borrow your week old Buck 110 for 30 seconds. Any ideas how to get it out?
Anyone else the only left handed person in their family?
Trimming with Philips OneBladr
Tree Marie
Ruger MK 22/45
Why does everyone buy the 22/45?
I scratched my boyfriend’s car. what do I do?
Is there anyone who has quit fast food? How did you do it?
When you're pent up and the orgasm explodes in the best way leaving you breathless
If life had a ‘delete’ button, what’s the one thing you’d erase without hesitation?
How do men just not cum during sex?
Whats the worst thing to say to a man?
So do men like graphic Blowjob scenes in stories.
What do I drive? (This should be tough)
Cartridge razor for coarse hair
38yr old mom pussy—is your first reaction damn or wow?