Fifth dosers when the pen won’t twist anymore
5th dose problem
Are these needles ok to use?
Wow - MedExpress discount /s
Sooo cold!
Where to get spare needles that come with the pen?
Pepsi Max/Diet Coke on MJ
Discount Codes and Links Megathread - January
How does MedExpress price match work?
Discount codes returning customers
For the fellow geeks and to show an example of steady progress.
Why don't people go up in doses?
MedExpress credit question
Maths - my brain just isn’t braining today.
3.75mg - which providers are ok with it / will discuss?
What are these long, needle-like things extending horizontally from the power line insulators?
Terrible side effects on 5mg
Using the insulin needles
What counts as prescription proof?
How does the kwikpen lock after 4th dose?
3D printed a little holder to stop the box falling over in the door (again lol).
Splitting dose gives you more or less?
I found this perforated piece of rubber in my washer after a load of laundry, what could it be?
Small brown plastic object found in my grandmas 40 year old couch, the round part rotates like a wheel.
Reaching calories and protein