Lunch in Santa Cruz, near beach or nice patio?
Oldsters! How often do you interact with your sponsor?
Long shot
Breaking off with a sponsee
Central Oregon Pet Sitter need for March 17-March 29
Happy Hour Food
I know I can't drink but keep remembering the fun times.
Uber/Lyft to SJC Airport at 5am?
I can’t anymore 😥
HO clearly didn’t wash sheets
Is the annual membership worth it/how easy is it to get jobs?
Overeating Husband
somebody gave me their chip?
I’m frustrated with the program and sponsor
Can sitters administer insulin for a cat?
Life of an alcoholic......DUI # 4 at age 34!!!!
Is it worth it? You bet
Biggest Turnoffs
Canadian sitters just canceled sit booked 6 months ago.
Pet Peeves on Sits
Very low applications, any advice?
New to THS
Missing Tappie?
What smaller or lesser known cities have you really enjoyed on a sit?
Sitter in Azores