Giving that Tiahra Nelson video with the anime facial expressions 💀
It’s giving purge mask omg
she deadass??
I don’t mean to be a hater but I’m still confused by this
Not run by Niki
Gabi is insane
Weird way to respond
Niki’s grwm
Nah niki girl wtf is this???lmfaoooooooo I would've walked off the stage after hearing myself sing the first line
What is going on with Niki's mouth? She's had this rash for months, what is going on
help why does Johnnys insta posts start when he got with gabi… uhhh
Niki’s running yet another fan page… pathetic
Gabis top lip literally does NOT move anymore when she talks 😳
not again...
The Delulu fans
I apologize in advance
Does she even have to sexualize the gift card?!?!?! Like ewwwwww 😬🙄🤢
Aw A giveaway!! 💀how exciting🤣 lol can't miss this one guys! 🤣😭
This is the worst one yet
What a difference 3 years makes. The twins in Nov. 2021:
The Ariana Obsession Continues