“Is there something wrong with my TikTok? - WR
"Well that's...unique."
Most forgettable cast member?
My mom had these shoes stolen in 2002-2003 and I cant find anything that looks like them online. Anyone recognize them?
S names that go well with Sasha and Sandra
What are some names you can tell the parents were going for unique, but ended up extremely common?
Lala: The Fashion Criminal. 🫣
Does anyone know where Ariana’s hat is from? It’s so cute.
I have rewatched this 700 times. You’re welcome.
Damaged Items With Cheap Purchase Price
Paige reacts to breakup rumors
When does it go downhill….
Scenes we don’t talk about enough
Drop in appetite but still want to drink?
I believe that Danny has a drinking problem! Scheana, Jax, LegoHair, and Jason have all been talking about Danny and his drinking. Do you believe it?
Why is Brett still commuting to CA?
Danny and Nia are expecting 4th baby!
“I don’t buy clothes” …only swimsuits and lingerie 🤡
Item inventories and substitutions
Nia is pregnant again!
More information regarding Alex petitioning the court for a protective order against Noah. Mod verified.
This aged like milk 🥛
Scheana’s attraction to Shay
No, it’s called photo filters