What’s your preferred origin story for the King Of The Monsters?
Am I crazy for preferring Bakan over Bagan?
Who’s your favorite Godzilla related YouTuber?
'I Want You Now' has won for lust! Y'all are amazing, thank you for the support!
What is your favorite bassline from DM?
Make a burger
Favorite character you just wanna
Favorite robot character, but you cannot repeat other people’s picks in the replies, I’ll start…
What does my art taste like?
Maybe a bit of a deep cut?
Your last saved image made Man cry, what is it?
What was the first Godzilla movie you ever watched in your life? Here is mine:
What is your Depeche Mode “deep cut?”
What is your Eminem “deep cut?”
What are some good minecraft youtubers who aren't too childish?
Anyone else feel like Mark looked younger 13 years ago?
"It's No Good" has won for pride! Now, for the fun part, which song for LUST? (i'm scared for this one)
Any advice on opening the Piraka eyes to change the battery?
What is your favorite part of your body?
Omg…yall Todd makes Tuco look like Barney
Who’d y’all want to see appear in Minus Two? (If anyone)
Worst millenium film. Go
What rhymes with orange
If you could ask one question and get a 100% truthful answer from everyone on Earth, what would you ask?
What is your "I do not care for the Godfather" opinion.