the fact that every interaction with 99.9% of moids is exactly like this is why i’m happy to stay single
i’m not real i’m not real im not real im not real im not real
She looks like the smile monster from Smile 2… is that just me? 😭
If you watch the Selena parts she cannot sing and it’s painful to watch
moids as soon as they see a woman who could pass for 12 years old
I have to laugh.
can I get an amen sisters
places to go in tokyo as perfume fan?
Ariana’s new british accent?
I'm so sick of moids (rant I think)
Me (31M) and girlfriend (29F) relationship may be over after trying threesome.
bringing hydroxezine into japan?
Taurus and taurus relationship gone horribly wrong
Where can I find Taurus men?
when does the “intense insecurity near women that look like his porn type” feeling end?
ex tried to hide nudes of me (that i deleted from his photos) in a locked folder
I’ll just leave this here…
i’m lonely asf but i also kind of like not many people knowing me
is anyone else into men (🤮) but in like a desperate for attention and validation way but not actually into men romantically...
Which CPTSD Symptoms are the hardest for you to handle?
how many of you have been fans for a decade+?
i miss chubby cheeked a-chan
my boyfriends close friend begged me not to break up with him
my boyfriends close friend begged me not to break up with him (24F, 24M)