Me building an Arduino robot with Lidar. Is it OK to post?
Fake kongra
Let's guess JK's real name for fun! I'll go first, Jayakandhan🙂
Ithu ku enna solla pora
Nov vitru naa
A movie you loved but probably never watch it again
Berlin - Not pocket friendly to explore(high costs)
Compare and suggest ideas
Arduino + C++
Any tech geeks here?
SFML + Arduino
Andrew Ng Course?
Tesla FSD 13 attempts to run a red light
What song does this make you think of? 🌖
New Delhi, India as of today morning. No, this is not fog. This is smoke.
Aurora Australis in Antarctica
Help a newbie to reach dream physique.
Help a newbie reach his physique goals - can't lift the minimum weights, poor form.
ESP32CAM pan and tilt using facial tracking.
Esp32 Cam: Source to learn??
Noob looking forward to master Autonomous driving