I’m done with Walmart deliveries!
Driving Superbowl Sunday?
IT workers, how would you react if your CEO's friend walked through the door and demanded full access to all of your systems?
Guys, since I finished Boardwalk, im lost as to what to watch next. Boardwalk is 10/10 for me. Ive watched the Wire, Peaky blinders & cant get into Sopranos because it isnt serious enough. Any suggestions for something for an elite level show?
Hate These Drug Deliveries
uber just bleeds drivers dry
Before and after orthognathic surgery
Didn't realize tickets expire, bought one a month ago that I couldn't use because the train was not running, NJT will not refund. Can I transfer this to someone somehow?
What places do you refuse orders from always?
Rome to Florence Train Time
What does everyone do for insurance?
What’s our thoughts on these types of orders
Had to decline and order to go 15 miles deep into shitty Vegas at 3:55 AM. Who could send such an offer?
Italy - August vs November?
Who does shop and deliver?
Visiting: Stay closer to Vatican or Colosseum?
year tax on uber eat pay !
Southern Italy stay recommendations - outside of Rome or Naples vs staying in city centers?
Insurance company dropped me because they found out (NY state)
Duomo hot takes
Uber says you don’t need a bag..
What recent purchase has been worth every penny?
Neighbors want us to not cut down MY trees on MY property
Taxi in Italy
Italy for the first time and in dire need of some help