Alcohol is the best!..
Steve-O: “The worst thing would be to kinda’ have alcoholism… alcoholism just bad enough that it really slows you down, destroys your potential… but it’s not so bad that it has to stop.”
Ended up in drunk tank twice in the last 3-4 days, barely remember anything. Currently 6:43
Unexpected Experience after Alcohol Related Hospitalization.
I did something stupid and just need a little support.
Hate dealing with feelings
I can’t get past the shame of my behavior
3 weeks tomorrow since I’ve drank
Book recommendations
Holding a bottle is literally impossible
At what point did you start to enjoy your sober life?
When to give up
Sipping and suffering again
Balancing the drunk to withdrawal scale
The Life of a Drunk.
Went to the hospital with a bac of .5 (not to be confused with .05)
i am completely fucking fucked
Drinking while sick
I cannot keep doing this
When is enough not enough...?
Anyone else been to a psych ward?
The sugar can’t be helping my liver
Did you ever feel like it was too late and were you wrong?