Tom Brady is not the GOAT
A person who corrects you on pronunciation of foreign words can go fuck themselves.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have placed into orbit a giant mirror that will reflect 40% of the Sun’s rays, thus cooling Earth. Observe.
I'm not excited at all about GTA 6
Water flosser should be the part of everyone’s oral routine
I don’t want any news or feeds about celebs and politicians. It does you no good
Patrick Kane: The King of the Shootout
To blame weed
Religion Mega Thread
Universal Translator translates everything?
The Superbowl is trash.
You can’t own property,man
Procreation should not be a right
How do I regain my love for mma?
Kendricks half time show was mid
Watching all of Star Trek from the top with my girlfriend - it's a blast so far
Onscreen chemistry: what is it, and who has it?
Most people drink enough water, even when they think they don't.
What if the current actions of the USA government are what cause humanity to unite?
Politics Mega Thread
Upbeat/positive standalone episodes?
Watched Star Trek first time and can’t stop
Kirk didn’t care about son
Photo summarizing main eventer's performance
What is romantic "chemistry", and which two characters had it?