He insulted me so I queen sacked....
Assistance is need.
What to say after a bad game?
Could someone explain how this is checkmate?
Hit a 1000 In 3 formats
Trying my hardest to teach my one year old daughter the game if chess but she just keeps acting like Hans Niemann
if white resign/timeout here should this be a win for white? (white to move)
? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Why did I draw when I was supposed to win?
checkmate in 7 moves for black (-M7)
Holy hell.... ITS HAPPENING!!!
Im so proud of myself rn for setting this up
How do you approach those end games, black to win
I don't seem to be getting any better?
Can you find the mate in 4?
Does anyone at any rating wanna play me in a rapid game rn
Best move in algebraic chess
Stop Playing So Much Chess
What u thinking?
looks nice
I ended up winning, but can you find the mate in 4 tactic I misplayed?
What’s this position called?
Well damn it😂
He won the 5th rank but at what cost