Anybody else see the froggies return in the new event?
Two little girls helping their dad rebuild an engine
The new event… might be a little too easy… :P
“Let’s see how bad we can make the camera quality”
A few of mine and I KNOW people be listening
Yeah, I did THAT meme [OC]
What game is this?
Answer and or laugh, if you feel like it. (:
who is the coolest boss (image unrelated)
How do you fuck up so bad that a frost necromancer spawns in korblox enemies
Losercity outfit
I made some guys from pc2 (slenderman, Jeff, Jeff slaughter, and mimic) on hero forge, and they look goofy ahh 😱
Thoughts on The Battle Bricks?
the ntfs of roblox games
What are your main issues with the game? (Image unrelated
tds boss cocaine chart
It’s superior to all others change my mind
Flimsy, I know you like tall TV heads, so how do you feel about this?
Should I go with r6 or r15?
Should I diamond jeff or tinky? (Image unrelated)
Am I the only one wondering why TDS made an index for each enemy? (the photos are not my)
Fallen jester or mutengic blight? (I wanna hear your opinions)