People who want immortality, why?
"Burn it? No Johnny, we are going to take it all."
What’s a word you only learned from video games?
The is Mr. Pamuk (aka Mookie). Is your cat a Mr, Dr, Ms, Sir, Dame, Lord, Lady, The Honorable, etc? Show me you titled cats right now!
A whole vehicle laid bare
Come on y'all
V tries to pull a stunt he saw on TV, fails miserably.
Why do my stations need money to buy from my own ships?
Welp... Now I have to restart
On my way to Colonia. Minor heart attack to liven the trip.
Build 42 has been amazing! Anyone else calling this diner "home" in Echo Creek? Love this spot. Minus the blind spot on the staircase in the back
Unpopular Opinion: I haven't spent a dime since week 1 and I'm happy AH are actually putting some "expensive" items out
In the Spirit of the Official Reveal of SE2
My first rover! Is it sufficiently blocky? Cherry on cake, top part isn't centered!
You're kidnapped by the Mexican drug cartel and held hostage in some remote island. The characters from your last watched shows are coming to rescue you. How cooked you are?
Anyone else picture book Amos as Dave Bautista?
Some textile Exfor art I’ve done XD
Co-Pilot made his final jump.
What song is torture to you?
Swipe to see a message from our Elder AI
Why go BOOM?
Legit so painful
Thank you, Frontier.