Chad and Romania
Men will find a way
Caught this on google maps lol
Man jumps from 3rd floor, gets Electrocuted and entangled in electric wires, passes out and then falls and then miraculously gets up to throw bricks at police.
George did nothing wrong!
Hello r/seinfeld, I'm H.E. Pennypacker. I'm a wealthy industrialist, philanthropist, and bicyclist. I'm looking for a subreddit where I can settle down with my peculiar habits and the women that I frequent with.
What's everyone's morning alarm ringtone?
اقترحو لي
How to grow thick skin in this profession?
What's a dead giveaway that someone is a fake friend?
اوتفت اليوم
Lots of fun!
Love Jason’s tweet about Estelle
What's this flag?
Why are my parents like this?
He's from Trinidad and Tobago, right? Yeah, he's Trinidadian and Tobagan.
Remind you of you of anything?
Straight out of a horror movie
I had neurosurgery two years ago to remove a pituitary tumor.
Exposed spine after incision stitching tore open.
What are these things in my tap water?
I have dyscalculia. AMA!
احتاج روقان وسماجة الشخص هذا 😂
Olive & Kramer would've made a cute little Isosceles.