what tank is the best at taking area in hotzone?
When are balance changes coming, and what brawlers do you think will get nerfed?
Rank Glitch?
BSC Draft Scenarios #2 - What brawler would you pick in these drafts? Answers from #1 are in my comment :D
Hot Take: Buster First Star Power is ACTUALLY one of the BEST in the ENTIRE GAME
Change auto-aim for throwable supers
How was power league different from ranked? Why doesn't SC just change ranked back to PL with better rewards?
My Ideal Ranked Map Pool
BSC Draft Scenarios #1 - What brawler would you pick in these drafts? Answers from the matches will be revealed next time :D
hey u/lordvex75 dchamp sucks bez is bezter
"I know this is Quickplay, But Can We Not Do 4-5 DPS this time?"
How is Hank considered above F tier?
is there any guide to this map? I cannot play this for the life of me
The devs should add a reporting system that works with randoms
whats the most overrated tower and why?
Hey guys! How do we feel about th12 coming out soon? (Sorry if the post is a little late, my Internet went out lol)
How far is it possible to get in double hp Moab’s I have tried getting far but I suck
I unintentionally gave away my team, how high are the chances that my teammate gives it back?
My regular ranked experience
This should be a thing in brawl stars content creators tier lists, im not saying it should be in all of them cuz it would take them twice as much time but it should be once in a while
Back from a break need some help
What toon go you like this?
If Goob had a pokemon team, who do you thing he would have?
Proof that the fishing rod trinket is good
Fixing Etienne