Best coffee shop in Lakewood?
Did you stay friends with your high school best friend?
Customer asked if they could use this 1999 gift card
I'm 5 weeks clean- when do the really good changes start to happen?
My wife is in agony
Did anyone watch Rigoletto (1993)??
All hail King Trump.
6 cheese pizza?
What European, Mexico, south American or Asian labs accept blood serum specimens from the US? Fasciola hepatica/fascioliasis (veg liver fluke)
Brain fog
Edible Altruism
One of my favorite pizzas to make
One study says 94% of DMT Users Experience Similar Otherworldly ‘Beings.’
AITA for asking my friend to leave my birthday dinner because she made the entire night about her?
Duodenal thickening on ct- follow up mri
Doctor is mystified
What is wrong with his knee
Do you see any bile duct dilation or small liver lesions?
Mri w/wo and mrcp
Thoughts on this?
Curious if you've had labs to test your complement system and interluekins (immune system)?
Not sure what to title this.. my ex who sa'd me is married with a kid.. I wonder how many women people are married to r*pists
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this
Mold in toilet keeps coming back. Is it in the water or something else?
Circumferential wall thickening 1st and 2nd portion duodenum