Thinking about it...
PDA asd and wetting accidents
Sex is Wonderfully Silly
I noticed a few lines on his face and honestly fell in love with him all over again
I'm falling in love with him over again
These are some of the flowers that my bf handpicked or bought for me in 2024
What horror movie did you see at way too young an age?
Lotion that doesn’t feel horrible?
Do you love more your friend than you love your partner?
my gf (doesn't play games often) gets motion sickness playing this game fix?
📚 Quick/Simple Request Thread
Book recommendations please
Quality over Quantity: Who’s your favorite Author?
does anyone know what this is?
do you guys like drinking?
What food is delicious in small amounts, but gross in big amounts?
What’s a common hobby that has the potential to spiral into an addiction?
Ghost ghosts and more ghosts
First ever crochet plushy (or any teddy type)
UPDATE: 5 point star blanket
Blanket progress
Crocheting my coraline outfit
Finished my first pillow/ first tapestry